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Kuşaklar Boyunca Sürdürülebilir Bir Ürünün Markalaşma Hikayesi

Kuşaklar Boyunca Sürdürülebilir Bir Ürünün Markalaşma Hikayesi
Kuşaklar Boyunca Sürdürülebilir Bir Ürünün Markalaşma Hikayesi
28 November Thursday
About Event

Pots and pans are located in every kitchen for generations. While the rising trend of healthy life in the world leads people to enamel, a brand named Kapka was established with the initiative of 3 women. Kapka, which manufactures pots and pans that use natural materials by considering the environment and human life in every detail, from its raw material to the paint that gives life to designs, has turned these enamels into a hand-made design product, without being fabricated in accordance with its spirit. The brand, which attracts attention with its unique designs, has reached sales points and museums / restaurants / cafes in many parts of the world in 3 years. Kapge co-founder Bilge and Saime shared their 3-year brand experience with us.
