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Pablo ile Karmaşık Portreler

Pablo ile Karmaşık Portreler
Pablo ile Karmaşık Portreler
08 May Friday
About Event

Complex Portraits with Pablo | How about getting to know Picasso and making fun paintings inspired by him? If your answer is yes, we will meet online meeting with our lovely paints, pens and papers. We will make fun portraits by following the steps of Picasso with the materials we have. The workshop is for children 5-9 years old and it is free. See you on Friday, May 8, 2020 at 15.00 in our screens!

Workshop Date: Friday, May 8, 2020
Age Range: 5-9 Years
Location: Zoom
For further information:
You should send your; name, surname, telephone information at our e-mail adress; for registration.
